Jérôme Laheurte wrote:

> On Thu, 15 Dec 2005 08:43:34 +0000, Michael Sparks wrote:
>> I hadn't seen any announcements regarding this, but there's a little
>> device recently released called a GP2X which is a small dual CPU
>> (2x200Mhz) device which runs Linux.
>> Anyway, I thought there might be someone in here interested to hear
>> that python AND pygame have both been ported to it already (not by
>> me). I've also ported some of our code to it (the bouncing cats demo
>> I've shown at a couple of python conferences), and found it really nice
>> to work with so far. The cats bounce at an acceptable (to me)
>> framerate :-)
> Nice! Another toy to buy! As if I had enough pockets left :) Considering
> the threading limitations of Python, I assume it runs on the GP2X as if it
> were a single 200MHz CPU... 

Yep. As an update to the above, I'll probably release a simple subset of
Kamaelia to make games run identically on a desktop as on the machine
itself. (Hmm... Interesting thought, I can even ramp back the apparent CPU
availability transparently to something similar, which would be useful
when developing :)

> How much RAM does this thing have ? 

32Mb - according to free & /proc/meminfo

> I'm interested because I ported Python to the Sony PSP, which can run at
> 333Mhz and has 32Mo of RAM  , and almost no OS overhead. I wondered if
> this setup would be enough for pygame to run... 
> I know of at least one person who's trying to port pygame to PSP-Python...

I must admit personally I wouldn't be interested in python on a PSP because
you never know when homebrew code on a PSP is going to be locked out...



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