Brian van den Broek wrote:
> Hi all,
> I know that this is something for which I could (keep) STFW, but I'm
> mostly ignorant of the subject area and under a bit of a deadline. So
> I hope people won't mind if I truncate my search and ask here.
> I've tried solo and failed a few times to install various Linux
> distros on Intel x86 laptops. (The software modem was always the
> sticking point.) A recent acquaintance has volunteered to guide me
> through an install tomorrow. He's a Debian fellow. I'm not in a
> position to have any preferences, so am inclined to follow his distro
> choice.
> The only area of computing in which I am interested and with which
> he's unfamiliar is Python. He suggested I try to find out if there are
> any potential issues with Debian stable and Python.
> Not knowing much about the details of linux and less about Debian, my
> googling hasn't yielded much that settles things. I have found out
> that stable ships with 2.3.5. I imagine it should be straightforward
> to upgrade to 2.4.2. Am I correct? Any other Debian/Python issues I
> should know about?
> If it matters, the laptop is fairly new (6 months) but wasn't
> screaming when new, either.
> Thanks bunches,
Try to ask him to install ubuntu for you. It use the same debian
packaging system(and most package setup is the same as debian) but has
a newer python which is based on 2.4. Should have better hardware
support too. I would say it is a good choice for desktop/laptop over
vanilla debian. You will still get the same kind of help from him as
they are 95% similar.

I use debian when I don't want cutting edge things(mostly for servers)
but ubuntu for desktop/laptop.


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