Mike Meyer wrote:
> Ok, I've given it the interface I want, and made it less of an
> attractive nuisance.
> http://www.mired.org/home/mwm/try_python/ is now ready for people to
> play with. There's no tutorial information on it yet, that's the next
> thing to do. However, I won't be able to work on it for a while, so if
> you want to make suggestions about what that should look like, all
> such suggestions will be given proper consideration.
>     <mike

I suggest it should work like IDLE do and not remain limited to 
evaluating of expressions. One can easily get the impression Python is 
very limited and this is not what can help Python to show its strengths.

By the way:

The page doesn't work for me in MSIE (I am on a Windows system)
 >>> 1+1
SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing (line 1)

It does work for me in FireFox and Netscape:
 >>> 1+1

but in Opera I get:
 >>> 1+1

I am most curious about the last one with no idea how it comes?

Maybe the subject of your posting should be changed to:

Try my skills in processing form requests from different Internet browser?



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