Paul Rubin wrote:
> Steve Holden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>>However the work I do is commercial and proprietary and I doubt
>>>I could get approval to release it under GPL. 
>>I see the GPL is a problem in this environment, and you are clearly
>>aware of the issues it raises. Do be aware, though, that not all GPL
>>authors are rabid communists, and some will consider licensing to you
>>under other licenses if you ask them. It's always worth asking, as
>>some authors have chosen GPL in a somewhat uninformed way rather than
>>as a political statement (you'll notice I too am trying to avoid the
>>flame wars).
> I'm trying to avoid flame wars too, but my take on this is that Kent's
> reading is a little too restrictive and the GPL isn't really a problem
> in this situation unless he's actually modifying Karrigell itself,
> rather than writing applications that run under it.  I'm not trying to
> advocate Karrigell (I browsed the docs for a minute and it looks nice
> but I have no experience with it) but I don't see the GPL as an
> obstacle to that type of usage.  All kinds of proprietary applications
> are written and distributed all the time to run under the GPL'd Linux
> kernel and Karrigell apps don't seem too terribly different from that.

Indeed. But most software authors aren't lawyers and aren't likely to 
trust their own judgment about these matters unless the situation is 
pretty unambiguous.  I suspect this may be evidence that Microsoft's 
"viral" propaganda has had some effect.

In this case I agree there's likely to be a clear separation between 
server and content that will allow Kent to distribute an unmodified 
Karrigell and a separate proprietary content bundle without 
interference, but it's too late (at least for that project) now.

Steve Holden       +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC           
PyCon TX 2006        


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