Paul Rubin <http://[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Richie Hindle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > A good solution would be multiple-licensing.  You state that the
> > code is (for example) triple-licensed under the GPL, LGPL and BSD
> > licenses.  The user of your code decides which license to obey.
> > It's no more work for you, and you can please almost everyone (the
> > only people you won't please are those who believe that there is One
> > True License, and frankly you should ignore them - it's your code).
> That's silly, you might as well just use BSD instead of triple
> licensing like that.  

You're pointing out yourself, a few lines lower, while this isn't so:

> Another downside to BSD is that it becomes impermissible to improve
> Karrigell by transplanting GPL code into it from other programs.  Yet

...which obviously is not a problem if K is available under either GPL
or BSD at the user's choice: anybody wanting to transplant GPL code into
it will pick the GPL side of the dual-licensing (I don't see any further
advantage in adding LGPL to the mix, maybe I'm missing s/thing...).

> > But the Python license allows for this too, and Python hasn't
> > suffered for it.
> That Python hasn't suffered for it is a questionable assertion.

Feel free to question it, then -- but "the burden of proof is on the
positive", by normal rules of debate.  Where are the versions of Python
made proprietary by exploiting its unGPLness?  OTOH, I don't consider it
a "suffering to Python" that it gets embedded for scripting tasks in
such closed-source apps as Poser or Civilization IV: I believe (and you
can check with the respective companies) that since those companies had
chosen closed-source as their main business strategy, if embedding
Python had forced them to opensource their "engines" they'd simply have
chosen another language for their scripting part (indeed, too many
proprietary apps already use proprietary scripting languages for the
silliest reasons -- giving them another reason would be a disaster).
At the same time Python also thrives in open-source apps such as OO.o,
just about all Linux distros, and so on, and so forth.


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