> And I have around one year to wait for Ruby to get rid of the nasty
> syntax copied from Perl and make it look as beautiful as Python ....
> Then I'll consider switching.  ;)
> Ummm, I'm sorry, did you say clean reflective meta-model???


> So this:
> caller[0] =~ /in `([^']+)'/ ? $1 : '(anonymous)'
> vs. the python example:
> filename, line, fname, source = traceback.extract_stack(limit=2)[0]
>         return fname
> is what you call clean??  Hmmm ... interesting.

no, It is not.

I've not yet defined what I would call the "clean way".


both code examples were provided from the community (limited responses 
from python community).


Ruby does not pass the evaluation, too (although it is closer, due to 
the clean metadata capability).


And: Ruby has even lower evolution speed:




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