>>I don't like, that one of the latest UltraEdit releases
>>was buggy causing 100%CPU load and 2MByte of harddisk
>>data traffic beeing idle, so I am looking for an alternative
>>for years, but instead of finding it I was forced lately
>>to spend money again on renewing my license.
> Have you tried the Zeus for Windows programmers editor:
>    http://www.zeusedit.com
> Zeus is closed source, but it is also very stable, comes
> with support for Python and you can even write Zeus
> scripts using Python.
> Like all software it also has bugs, but when a bug is
> reported it is fixed ASAP and a free patch is then
> offered for download.
> Jussi Jumppanen
> Author: Zeus for Windows

I was not aware of Zeus, so thank you for telling me about it.

I gave Zeus a try and it passed loading of a large (100 MByte) text file 
(many other text editors fail here). It looks at the first glance quite 
good, but I am a bit lost because of so many different menu items.

Compared to UltraEdit/SPE I am missing the column mode I extensively use 
in my everyday work (rectangular select/copy/paste is there) and the 
autocompletion of any input word as e.g. a very long variable names I 
have defined in preceeding text.

I was not yet able to find how to change the font in the text area and 
how to get rid of the italics used for displaying strings. In UltraEdit 
  I can choose any font in any style available on the system for the 
text area and in the syntax highlighting I can use bold/italics style.
Configuration of colors and keyboard keys seem to be there, macro 
recording/playing, too. The line numbering has a small delay behind the 
displayed text what is a bit annoying (but only when going to the end of 
the 100 MByte file), but sure not a problem. Code folding for Python is 
there, but I run into the problem of not folding the code of a Python 

I have not put much time into the evaluation yet, but my impression is, 
that it is a professional editor, focused on supporting programming and 
compilation of C programs, but probably with not sufficient support for 
Python specifics, except the Python syntax in writing macros, where 
access to the edit window is got with 'import zeus' and the macro itself 
is just Python code using the imported module and working on the opened 

In my eyes with $40 for a license a worth to be evaluated professional 
editor, but not for me because of lack(?) of the column mode and not 
(yet?) found possibility to select a font for the in the editing area 
displayed text.


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