Alex Martelli wrote:
> Still, I'm not disputing that CA "got screwed"... though it looks like
> they did it to themselves -- they didn't stop to consider the need to
> WOO developers to actually get them onboard as a part of the overall
> deal, just sort of assumed they "came with the package"!-)  Bad people
> management must be close to the #1 cause of failure of promising mergers
> and acquisitions (and I'm not sure the qualifying part of this sentence,
> after "failure", is needed;)...
In fact one might argue that the  poor management of traditional 
software development efforts is one of the main reasons why open source 
continues to become so popular. One can develop software without having 
to deal with pointy-haired types.

Ultimately this will, I suspect, lead to wider appreciation of how 
software development can be better organised in a commercial context (as 
it appears may already be the case at Google). *Then* I might start to 
get interested in management as a career :-)

Steve Holden       +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC           
PyCon TX 2006        


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