Raven wrote:
> Hi to all, I need to calculate the hpergeometric distribution:
>                        choose(r, x) * choose(b, n-x)
>         p(x; r,b,n) =  -----------------------------
>                            choose(r+b, n)
> choose(r,x) is the binomial coefficient
> I use the factorial to calculate the above formula but since I am using
> large numbers, the result of choose(a,b) (ie: the binomial coefficient)
> is too big even for large int. I've tried the scipy library, but this
> library calculates
> the hypergeometric using the factorials too, so the problem subsist. Is
> there any other libray or an algorithm to calculate
> the hypergeometric distribution?

Use logarithms.


from scipy import special

def logchoose(n, k):
    lgn1 = special.gammaln(n+1)
    lgk1 = special.gammaln(k+1)
    lgnk1 = special.gammaln(n-k+1)
    return lgn1 - (lgnk1 + lgk1)

def gauss_hypergeom(x, r, b, n):
    return exp(logchoose(r, x) +
               logchoose(b, n-x) -
               logchoose(r+b, n))

Or you could use gmpy if you need exact rational arithmetic rather than floating

Robert Kern

"In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
 Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
  -- Richard Harter


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