On 27 Dec 2005 09:24:44 GMT, Duncan Booth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Scott David Daniels wrote:
>>> I definitively need a new algorythm. <g>
>> And I am sadly stuck at 169.  Not even spitting distance from 149 (which
>> sounds like a non-cheat version).
>Throw it away and start again with a fresh (clean) solution. That's what I 
>did when I'd reached the limit of nested maps and lambdas at 150 
>characters. I'm now on 134 characters and the solution is very nearly 
>legible. (Frustratingly, I'm away for the next few days, so I may not get a 
>chance to submit my solution).
>It would be a nice idea to come up with a scoring system which better 
>reflects Python's ideals. For example, use the parser in Python to count up 
>various syntactic elements, score 0 for comments, indents, dedents, 
>newlines, docstrings, 1 for each name or operation used and higher scores 
>for things like lambda or overly complex expressions.

[23:28] C:\pywk\clp\seven\pycontest_01>py24 test.py
Ran 1 test in 0.391s


[23:28] C:\pywk\clp\seven\pycontest_01>wc -lc  seven_seg.py
          2        136  seven_seg.py

2 lines, 136 chars including unix-style lineseps (is that cheating on windows?)
No imports.

Guess I'll have to try another tack ;-/

Bengt Richter

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