Anton Vredegoor wrote:
> Michael wrote:
>>Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
>>>[ panic, fear, worry ]
>>What's wrong with just saying "Congratulations!" ? First thing I thought was
>>"ooh, maybe Guido will be able to work on P3K there" - after all that would
>>benefit Google *and* everyone else :-)
> Google's not a nice company (yeah, I know I'm posting from a google
> account). If you look at their job requirements it's clear they will
> only hire people with long backstabbing histories. There seems to be no
> room left for world improving undamaged souls in that company.

I have a friend who works at Google. He has no backstabbing history at all. Stop
insulting my friends.

For Software Engineer:


    * BS or MS in Computer Science or equivalent (PhD a plus).
    * Several years of software development experience.
    * Enthusiasm for solving interesting problems.
    * Experience with Unix/Linux or Windows environments, C++ development,
distributed systems, machine learning, information retrieval, network
programming and/or developing large software systems a plus.

I don't see any "damaged soul" requirement.

>>(Especially if he uses PyPy to experiment and play in ... :)
> Yes PyPy could save Python, or destroy the world. I have the impression
> not many enough people realize that a selfhosting programming language
> is something on the same level as a nano assembler or an artificial
> intelligence.

??? What the hell are you smoking? We already have self-hosting programming

> Anton
> 'make my day, prove me wrong'

Prove yourself right.

Robert Kern

"In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
 Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
  -- Richard Harter


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