I've spent a while putting together a partially working Try Python
which handles class and function definitions. It also (used to) work
with imports, but my hacked version of jelly doesn't work with it
anymore, so only import this works as far as I know. It won't play nice
if you store the id of an object because the objects are recreated
every time, but references still work. It also won't let you maintain
generators or iterators, but you can still put them inside functions to
use. Printing also adds unnecessary newlines which I haven't fixed yet.
And no, it doesn't use AJA(X|T), only some javascript to focus the
input box.

So here's the link for it:
< http://www.datamech.com/devan/trypython/trypython.py >

And if you want to see Mike Meyers' nicer, original one:
< http://www.mired.org/home/mwm/try_python/ >

If you want to see the source, send me an email, although you may have
to gouge your eyes out after reading it.


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