Apologies if I'm misunderstanding some points in kpd's post, but:


[ ]
arr[anInteger] -> anObject or nil
arr[start, length] -> aSubArray or nil
arr[aRange] -> aSubArray or nil

Element Reference

Returns the element at index anInteger, or returns a subarray starting
at index start and continuing for length elements, or

returns a subarray specified by aRange. Negative indices count backward
from the end of the array (-1 is the last element).

Returns nil if any indices are out of range.

[ ]=
arr[anInteger] = anObject -> anObject
arr[start, length] = aSubArray -> aSubArray
arr[aRange] = aSubArray -> aSubArray


Interactive ruby ready.
>> ck = Array [ 'C', 'K', 'S', 'vvg' ]
=> ["C", "K", "S", "vvg"]

>> puts ck.first, ck[0], '*', ck.last, ck[-1]
           C       C      *     vvg      vvg
=> nil

>> puts ck[0..2], '*', ck[-4..-2]
        C  K  S    *    C  K  S
=> nil

>> puts ck.size, ck.length
               4          4
=> nil

(The print elements in these example were actually
printed on separate lines. I've put them on the
same line for clarity and to save email space.)


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