Gary Herron said unto the world upon 30/12/05 08:03 PM:
> newbie wrote:
>>I have questions about global variables in OOP (in general) and Python
>>(in specific).  I understand (I think) that global variables are
>>generally not a good idea. However, if there are variables that need to
>>be accessed by a number of classes that exists in separate namespaces
>>(files), what would be the best way to do this?
>>So far, I have approached the problem by making the variables
>>attributes of one class and passing instances of the class as variables
>>to the other class' methods.
>>The other way I thought of is to create a separate class that consists
>>of the variables and to use the
>>from <file name> import *
> That form is deprecated. Better (and certainly clearer to any reader of 
> the code) is to leave them in the module.
> Define a module, say Parameters, that defines any number of variables 
> containing useful values. Then
> import Parameters
> wherever you want and refer to
> Parameters.a
> and
> Parameters.b


An other variant seems rarely to come up.

import Parameters as P

provides almost all the brevity of the * variant and none of the dangers.

Best to all,

Brian vdB

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