Mike Meyer wrote:

> Chris Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>>>>>> "J" == J D Leach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> I'm stupider; I can't ATFQ for you.
>> But last night I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express, and can recommend
>> http://projects.edgewall.com/python-sidebar/
>> Which, assuming you've got connectivity, is teh shiznit.
> Along the same lines, the OS X application launcher "Butler" comes
> pre-configured with a "search python reference materials"
> shortcut. I launch the shortcut, type in what I want,and hit enter,
> and a browser window opens displaying the results of the
> search. Adding other things - like searching the Python cookbook - is
> relatively easy.
>            <mike

Thanks Mike for the link. I installed the sidebar and have found it to be an
invaluable aid in searching for info on Python. As for my problem with the
PYTHONDOCS variable, I still get the message about not having the
environment variable set. This is in spite of my setting the .bash profile
correctly. As it stands, I am at a loss for how to fix the problem. Using
the Mozilla sidebar, I found that the problem seems to involve several
OS's. However, the fixes suggested were the ones I have already applied. 
Oh well, if I can't fix it, I'll just have to live with it.
J. D. Leach
Columbus, Indiana USA

Linux/Open Source Computer using:
Mandrakelinux release 10.2 (Limited Edition 2005) for i586 kernel


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