Hello everybody,

my little problem resurfaced together with COM.
The generated .py file contains the following function:

def showApplication(self, show=defaultNameNotOptArg):
        return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(.......,show)

The value for "show" (defaultNameNotOptArg) must be True|False.
I read in Mark Hammonds book the part over python objects and VARAIANT
types. There is True|False the the way for translation to VT_BOOL.

Now I use myOCX.showApplication(False)... but nothing, I can see the
application anyime ?
I tried it with ctypes and "ctypes.c_short(False)" but the same :-(

If I use functions without parameters or functions with string parameter
 from the generated .py file, then is the sequence as expected.

Can anybody explain my mistake ?


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