Eddy Ilg said unto the world upon 02/01/06 05:43 PM:
> Hi,
> I have a class and I am trying to set the instance varirable 'variables'
> (also tried different names). The variable gets initialized by
> default-value parameter of the constructor. When I change the variable and
> call the constructor again, the default value changes !!! Is this supposed
> to happen? See code and example below:
> class url:
>       def __init__(self,link,vars={}):
>               self.link=link
>               print "vars:",vars
>               if hasattr(self,'vars'):
>                       print "self.variables:",self.variables
>               self.variables=vars
>               print "self.variables:",self.variables
>       def set_var(self,name,value):
>               self.variables[name]=value
>>>>from generator import url
> vars: {}
> self.variables: {}
> vars: {'a': 5}
> self.variables: {'a': 5}
> See that 'vars' gets the old value of 'variables' passed? How can this be???
> I am using python version 2.3.5
> Eddy

and if that doesn't clear it up, ask again.


Brian vdB
  • Re: Bug ?? Brian van den Broek

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