I was not very clear about it

> or even if you "could" copy instances
> class X:
>     def __init__(self, filename = "/path/file")
>         self.file = file(filename, "w+")
>     def modifyByteAt(offset):
>         self.file.tell(offset)
>         self.file.write("X")
> this is untested pseudocode, it should only give you an idea

even when x=X() and y=copyItSomehowFrom(x)
what is supposed to be copied?
the whole file? but where?

in your case .. what is supposed to happen with the mirrored image?
should it be mirrored inplace
if I recall properly in "import PIL.Image as image" if you image.open
an image and want to mirror it you can create a real copy
and then "save as " it into a file

my 2 cents


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