> but googling for "basic authentication" and
> maybe "realm" and/or "host" will find you other sites with less
> technically detailed material.

This looks promising, but it'll take me a week to understand it :)


Thanks for your help with the search terms.

Peter Hansen wrote:
> BartlebyScrivener wrote:
> > New to Python and Programming. Trying to make scripts that will open
> > sites and automatically log me on.
> >
> > The following example is from the urllib2 module.
> >
> > What are "realm" and "host" in this example.
> http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2617.txt probably provides more background
> than you want on that topic, but googling for "basic authentication" and
> maybe "realm" and/or "host" will find you other sites with less
> technically detailed material.  The first hit has a little summary
> amidst some Apache-specific detail.
> > Does anyone have a simple example of a script that opens, say, gmail or
> > some other commonly accessed site that requires a username and password
> > so that I can see how one is made?
> "realm" and "host" are associated with "basic authentication" and not
> all sites use that.  If the browser pops up a little dialog box of its
> own (i.e not some Javascript-triggered thing) and you have to enter your
> username and password there, that's probably a "basic auth" (or "digest
> auth") site.  If you fill that info into a form (as on gmail.com) you
> don't want any of that "realm/host" stuff.
> I'll leave it to others more expert in this to provide a more directly
> useful answer.
> -Peter


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