Ray wrote:
> Yes, but this is more of a web application though--something that I've
> never developed in Python before, so... I'll be evaluating Django
> shortly--let me see how it compares to Tomcat.

Performance is one of the key features of Django. For example, I'm
using Django at washingtonpost.com for the U.S. Congress Votes
Database, which has more than 4 million records and is linked-to from
the washingtonpost.com home page whenever there's a key congressional
vote. (http://projects.washingtonpost.com/congress/)

The server doesn't break a sweat, thanks to Django's
very-convenient-and-powerful cache system:

Also, the developers at grono.net, a Polish social networking site with
more than half a million users, have converted various bits of their
Java code to Python/Django. They've found that Django is not only much
quicker (and more fun) to develop in, it's also *faster* than Java and
requires less hardware. E-mail me personally if you want their contact
information for direct testimonials; we'll be publishing some more
testimonials publically as we get closer to Django 1.0.

I would never use TurboGears or Ruby on Rails over Django for any
performance-intensive Web app. In my opinion, both frameworks make some
poor design decisions regarding the importance of performance.

Adrian Holovaty
holovaty.com | chicagocrime.org | djangoproject.com


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