On 12 Jan 2006 12:20:50 -0800 in comp.lang.python, "bblais"

>Let me start by saying that I am coming from a background using Matlab
>(or Octave), and C++.  I am going to outline the basic nuts-and-bolts

I generally write C code for embedded controllers.

>of how I work in these languages, and ask for some help to find out how
>the same thing is done in Python.  I am not sure what the standard is.

I have an editor I use for writing C code with a button I've
configured to run "lint".  When the code lints clean I drop to a shell
and run "make" when I can, fire up the vile IDE for the target
platform when I can't, and build the code.  Testing means firing up a
simulator or downloading the code to the target.

>How do experienced python programmers usually do it?  Is there a
>"usually" about it, or is it up to personal taste?  Are there any
>convenient ways of doing these things?

I've been writing Python for about 6 years, but mostly small utilities
for personal use, so I don't think I'm typical.  I think most of my
code would run fine in 1.5.2, because that's what I started learning

I use Idle.  I try things out in the interactive shell, open an editor
window to write code.  When a script is ready to test, I hit F5 to run
it. I build my systems bit-by-bit, so it's rarely worth my while to
fire up my C editor (though it does support Python syntax coloring and
auto-indenting.  It may not be the shiniest toy in the box, but Idle
does what I need it to do, and it's actually a very powerful and
effective tool for writing simple scripts.

Huge multi-module projects are probably another animal entirely.


Change is inevitable, progress is not.

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