bblais wrote:
> Hello,
> In C++, I open up an editor in one window, a Unix shell in another. 
> In Matlab, I do much the same thing, except there is no compile phase.
> In Python, there seems to be a couple ways of doing things.   I could
> write it in one window, and from a Unix shell call
>                            python
> and be like C++, but then I lose the interactiveness which makes
> prototyping easier.  If I use the python shell, I can use import (and
> reload), or execfile perhaps.

> How do experienced python programmers usually do it?  

I'm not sure I qualify as a "experienced", but...

> Is there a
> "usually" about it, or is it up to personal taste? 

Mostly. There's no shortage of Python IDE/editors/...

> Are there any
> convenient ways of doing these things?

Try emacs + python-mode. It offers the best editor/interactive shell
I've ever seen.

bruno desthuilliers
python -c "print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])"

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