Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> Kent Johnson wrote:
>>Is there such a list? I have contributed many doc patches and if such
>>glory is mine I would like to know it!
> unfortunately, your name don't seem to be mentioned in the Doc version
> history either:
> do you have more details (a reference to a page you've contributed to should
> be enough).
> or could it be that your submissions are still sitting in the SF tracker ?

There are twelve closed doc bugs in SF tracker that I submitted 
(username kjohnson); I think most of these were accepted. They're all 
pretty minor but certainly as big as the change this thread is 
discussing. I also recently helped Andrew Kuchling rewrite the 
BeginnersGuide in the Wiki.

A note to rurpy and anyone else with a complaint about the docs: it 
really is very easy to suggest a change in SF. In my experience most 
suggestions are accepted very quickly. It's an easy way to help make 
Python better. Definitely easier than fighting on about whether 
the docs are confusing.


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