David Hirschfield wrote:

<server, client, all looks good>

> All the above works fine...but I'm finding the following: while the 
> actual creation and pickling of the objects only takes a millisecond or 
> so, the actual time before the client call completes is a third of a 
> second or more.
> So where's the slowdown? It doesn't appear to be in the 
> pickling/unpickling or object creation, so it has to be in xmlrpc 
> itself...but what can I do to improve that? It looks like xmlrpclib uses 
> xml.parsers.expat if it's available, but are there faster xml libs? 
> Looking at the xmlrpclib code itself, it seems to want to find either: 
> _xmlrpclib from the code in xmlrpclib.py:
> try:
>     # optional xmlrpclib accelerator.  for more information on this
>     # component, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>     import _xmlrpclib
>     FastParser = _xmlrpclib.Parser
>     FastUnmarshaller = _xmlrpclib.Unmarshaller
> except (AttributeError, ImportError):
>     FastParser = FastUnmarshaller = None

Can you check wether it is actually using expat?
(it can be checked by examining sys.modules, or intercepting

I cannot think of a faster parser than expat at the moment.


> On the other hand, maybe the slowdown is in twisted.web.xmlrpc? What 
> does that module use to do its work? Is it using xmlrpclib underneath?
> Other xmlrpc libraries that are significantly faster that I should be 
> using instead?

Sorry that this is just a partial answer. I should have more knowledge
about twisted than I actually have.
Hinting to check the imported stuff.

cheers - chris
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