Il Sat, 14 Jan 2006 13:52:43 -0400, David Pratt ha scritto:

> source_list =[

I don't understand what you mean by saying that 'levels of categorization
is not fixed', are there more than two keys in any dictionary?

Basically, thus, you have a list of dictionaries and you want to get a list
of lists, right? You haven't specified what order would you like the list
to be sorted, though.  Maybe you would benefit from use and ordered
dictionary implementation like orderedDict, but such behaviour can be
created anyway. I would use a kind of 'helper dictionary' to map the list
position to the root element:

def convertList(dictlist):
    for elem in dictlist:
    return [k,v for k,v in helpdict.items() if k!='root']

Alan Franzoni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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