Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> Bryan Olson wrote:
>>I think the following is correct: an object's identity is not part
>>of its value, while its type is.
> you're wrong.  an object's identity, type, and value are three different
> and distinct things.

If I do:

 >>> mylist = [17, 24]

are mylist and 17 different and distinct things?

Suppose I define a member attribute/property called '_class_',
that will get the save value as '__class__'. Now is that type
part of the value of an object of my class?

>>Python queries objects for their types; it's now a user-visible feature:
>>     >>> 'hello'.__class__
>>     <type 'str'>
> To get an object's type, use type(x).  This has always been a user-
> visible feature (along with id(x)).

Commanding that I get it some other way isn't going to change
that that type is now user-accessible as an attribute of the
object. The new-style classes tutorial calls it a
"Python-provided attribute".

Maybe one could to describe a consistent semantics that
distinguishes Python-provided attributes as unlike other
attributes, in that we define them not to be part of the
object's value. I don't that that would be wise.

> Nobody's saying that the identity and the type is not a "property" of the
> object (for a suitable definition of property, that doesn't include Python
> properties).

Sure, and whether the Interpreter queries the object for the
type is an implementation detail, and maybe a point-of-view
issue. But now the type is available as a Python-provided

 >  What the documentation and I are saying is that it's not a
> part of the object's *value*.

Where does the doc say that?

> An object's identity, type, and value are three different and distinct things
> (or "properties", if you prefer).  End of story.

The story continued.



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