I need to access tomcat applications from python, some are Axis/SOAP web services, and some are file/WebDAV operations.


But so far I cannot get python to authenticate and access http://localhost:8080/manager/html much less to any of the other applications.


I have found examples for httplib with a base64 Basic Authentication header, and a urllib2 Authentication Handler, but neither one works.


I am not an experienced python developer, but I am an experienced Java Developer.  I am using PyDev plugin for Eclipse, I am using Python24.


I can connect to tomcat without authentication for those pages/uri’s that do not require authentication on that tomcat server, so the problem is with the authentication mechanism in python.  Obviously I can connect to the entire site and all applications with a browser and programmatically from Java.


Any help greatly appreciated.



Highly Cohesive and Loosely Coupled


Mike Oliver

Alarius Systems LLC
6800 E. Lake Mead Blvd
Apt 1096
Las Vegas, NV 89156





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