Sorry, false alarm.  It turned out one of my own files was using 
fopen/fclose and this was upseting things. After removing those it 
linked fine.

Martin Evans wrote:

> I've just been tasked with porting our desktop embedded Python support 
> onto our existing CE offering. I've managed to compile the Python 
> sources and have produced an armdbg420\python23.lib file.
> When I come to link to the Python library though from our one of our 
> DLLs, I am getting the following unresolved externals:
> -------------------
> embedded.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
> "__declspec(dllimport) int __cdecl WinCE_fclose(void *)"
> (__imp_?WinCE_fclose@@[EMAIL PROTECTED]) referenced in function "unsigned long
> __cdecl PythonThread(void *)" (?PythonThread@@[EMAIL PROTECTED])
> embedded.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp_LoadLibraryU
> referenced in function "unsigned long __cdecl PythonThread(void *)"
> (?PythonThread@@[EMAIL PROTECTED])
> embedded.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
> "__declspec(dllimport) void * __cdecl WinCE_fopen(char const *,char const
> *)" (__imp_?WinCE_fopen@@[EMAIL PROTECTED]) referenced in function "void * 
> __cdecl
> OpenScriptFile(unsigned short *)" (?OpenScriptFile@@[EMAIL PROTECTED])
> -------------------
> python23.lib does have entries for WinCE_fopen (part of 
> wince-compatibility.c) when looking at the lib file using dumpbin (all 
> are undecorated). Have I missed some vital step in producing it?
> Just to clarify my environment, I am producing a PocketPC 2003 
> application that embeds Python, scripts are launched within our 
> application with script output displayed in our own output window. We 
> also provide our own Python extension library. All works on ok on the 
> desktop version.
> Any help would gratefully appreciated. Thanks.
> Martin


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