On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 21:58:26 +1100, Steven D'Aprano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 10:34:40 +0000, Bengt Richter wrote:
>>  >>> class A:
>>  ...     def __getattr__(self, attr): print 'A().%s'%attr; raise 
>> AttributeError
>>  ...
>>  >>> class B:
>>  ...     def __getattr__(self, attr): print 'B().%s'%attr; raise 
>> AttributeError
>>  ...
>>  >>> A()==B()
>>  A().__eq__
>>  B().__eq__
>>  B().__eq__
>>  A().__eq__
>>  A().__coerce__
>>  B().__coerce__
>>  A().__cmp__
>>  B().__cmp__
>>  False
>Why are A().__eq__ and B().__eq__ both being called twice?
Looks like it has to do with trying stuff with arguments switched?
This shows call and argumenst to method for whichever attribute access
is allowed to succeed after a count of failures...

 >>> def test():
 ...     global trial, which
 ...     for which in xrange(9):
 ...         print '\nwhich: %s'%which
 ...         trial = 0
 ...         A()==B()
 >>> def nameof(x):return type(x).__getattribute__(x, '__class__').__name__
 >>> def __eq__(x, y):
 ...     print '__eq__(%s(), %s())'%(nameof(x), nameof(y)); return False
 >>> def __cmp__(x, y):
 ...     print '__cmp__(%s(), %s())'%(nameof(x), nameof(y)); return 0
 >>> def __coerce__(x, y):
 ...     print '__coerce__(%s(), %s())'%(nameof(x), nameof(y)); return None
 >>> class A:
 ...     def __getattr__(self, attr):
 ...         global trial
 ...         print '%s: A().%s'%(trial, attr)
 ...         if trial!=which: trial+=1; raise AttributeError
 ...         return globals()[attr].__get__(self, type(self))
 >>> class B:
 ...     def __getattr__(self, attr):
 ...         global trial
 ...         print '%s: B().%s'%(trial, attr)
 ...         if trial!=which: trial+=1; raise AttributeError
 ...         return globals()[attr].__get__(self, type(self))
 >>> test()
 which: 0
 0: A().__eq__
 __eq__(A(), B())
 which: 1
 0: A().__eq__
 1: B().__eq__
 __eq__(B(), A())
 which: 2
 0: A().__eq__
 1: B().__eq__
 2: B().__eq__
 __eq__(B(), A())
 which: 3
 0: A().__eq__
 1: B().__eq__
 2: B().__eq__
 3: A().__eq__
 __eq__(A(), B())
 which: 4
 0: A().__eq__
 1: B().__eq__
 2: B().__eq__
 3: A().__eq__
 4: A().__coerce__
 __coerce__(A(), B())
 4: B().__coerce__
 __coerce__(B(), A())
 4: A().__cmp__
 __cmp__(A(), B())
 which: 5
 0: A().__eq__
 1: B().__eq__
 2: B().__eq__
 3: A().__eq__
 4: A().__coerce__
 5: B().__coerce__
 __coerce__(B(), A())
 5: A().__cmp__
 __cmp__(A(), B())
 which: 6
 0: A().__eq__
 1: B().__eq__
 2: B().__eq__
 3: A().__eq__
 4: A().__coerce__
 5: B().__coerce__
 6: A().__cmp__
 __cmp__(A(), B())
 which: 7
 0: A().__eq__
 1: B().__eq__
 2: B().__eq__
 3: A().__eq__
 4: A().__coerce__
 5: B().__coerce__
 6: A().__cmp__
 7: B().__cmp__
 __cmp__(B(), A())
 which: 8
 0: A().__eq__
 1: B().__eq__
 2: B().__eq__
 3: A().__eq__
 4: A().__coerce__
 5: B().__coerce__
 6: A().__cmp__
 7: B().__cmp__
Bengt Richter

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