"Paul Rubin" <http://[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Terry Hancock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> > > Very interesting.  And rather sad that editors think the
>> > > average Amermican reader too dim-witted to figure out
>> > > (in context, even) that a "car park" is a "parking lot"
>> > > and a "dustbin" is a "trash can."
>> > > ...
>> The real reason is that it was an expensively promoted
>> book. Customizing it for an American audience was a way to
>> suck money out of that flow into the pockets of the
>> American publisher. In order to justify that expense, they
>> have to have something to show for their efforts.
> I wouldn't have figured out that a "car park" was a parking lot.  I
> might have thought it was a park where you go to look at scenery from
> inside your car.  Sort of a cross between a normal park and a drive-in
> movie

Just as another isolated data point, the first time I saw the
expression "car park", I went and looked it up.  Even
though from the context the meaning seemed obvious,
I was left with some doubts as to whether it might have
some more specific connotations.  For instance, it could
have referred to a metered lot, or to a parking garage
with time tickets, or even some kind of valet parking.

Often, assuming that the "obvious" literal meaning
is correct can have hilarious (or disastrous!) results.


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