Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> Dave Hansen wrote:
>>>Fuzzyman wrote:
>>>>I'm not familiar with the C basic datatypes - I assume it has an array
>>>>or list like object.
>>>>Would it contain a sequence of poitners to the members ? In which case
>>>>they would only be equal if the pointers are the same.
>>>>In this case :
>>>>a = ['some string']
>>>>b = ['somestring']
>>>>a == b
>>>>False (probably)
>>>>Incorrectly using Python syntax for a C example of course :-)
>>>That depends, the C syntax is like this :
>>>char *a="hello";
>>>char *b="hello";
>>>// true, the compiler knows the two hello are the same and assign the
>>>same address(sort of id() in python) to a and b
>>No. The C standard says the compiler is _allowed_ to re-use character
>>literal constants, but is not _required_ to do so.
> I could have sworn that fuzzyman's example contained a literal string in
> an array, and an array comparision, so why are you talking about com-
> paring string literals ?   a compiler for which
>     char* a[] = { "some string" };
>     char* b[] = { "some string" };
>     ...
>     if (a == b)
>         printf("True\n");
> prints True is definitely broken.
> </F>

Exactly this is what Python does under the hood when writing
a = "some string"
b = "some string"
where a and b are actually, in terms of C, pointer to Python object data 
structures which provide strings as arrays where it is possible to say 
a[0], but ... if here
   print "True"
_does not_ print True, the Python engine is definitely broken.


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