On Thu, 19 Jan 2006 15:43:58 +0100, Daniel Dittmar wrote:

> Robin Haswell wrote:
>> On Thu, 19 Jan 2006 14:37:34 +0100, Daniel Dittmar wrote:
>>>If you use a threading server, you can't put the connection object into 
>>>the module. Modules and hence module variables are shared across 
>>>threads. You could use thread local storage, but I think it's better to 
>>>pass the connection explicitely as a parameter.
>> Would you say it would be better if in every thread I did:
>>      m = getattr(modules, module)
>>      b.db = db
>>      ...
>>      def Foo():
>>              c = db.cursor()
> I was thinking (example from original post):
>       import modules
>       modules.foo.Bar(db.cursor ())
>          # file modules.foo
>          def Bar (cursor):
>              cursor.execute (...)

Ah I see.. sounds interesting. Is it possible to make any module variable
local to a thread, if set within the current thread? Your method, although
good, would mean revising all my functions in order to make it work?



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