Tim Parkin wrote:
> Fredrik Lundh wrote:
>>>Good and congratulations, it shows that the source code is well
>>>formatted/consistent - I wish the rest of the website html/data were so.
>>>If you are suggesting that your skills can do this with the rest of the
>>>site content then please, please help!!
>>>In fact I will ask you now, publicly, if you are willing to offer your
>>>services to help convert the documentation and exsiting content over to
>>>the new website?
>>to what target environment?  a wiki?  sure.  the current homebrewn solution?
>>probably not; way too much new technology to learn, and absolutely nothing
>>that I'm likely to end up using in any other context.
> OK...

Sorry to break into this, but it seems there is not so much disagreement 
after all.

I agree with /F that through-the-web editing would make it more likely 
to get more people on board and get the conversion done in time. Plus it 
would make maintanance easier once the beta from beta.python.org has 
been removed.

If I see this correctly, Fredrik would volonteer to (help) implement 
something that imports the current python.org content into a Wiki.

FWIW, I myself am also willing to contribute.

MoinMoin 1.5 sounds perfect for the wiki. It supports ReST if we want 
that, and now also a JavaScript-GUI based WYSIWYG editor.

If we agree that it's worth changing the primary data source from files 
to a Wiki, then either the current toolchain "pyramid" needs to be 
adjusted or a replacment needs to be written.

I reckon all that's left to the building process is filling one or more 
templates with the content from the Wiki, and filling in the navigation 
links. Which is the main point of pyramid, I suppose?

-- Gerhard

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