Grant Edwards wrote:
> On 2006-01-19, Kay Schluehr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Does anybody have advice? I am looking for any tricks, features I can
> >> disable, etc so I can get the python core to be a small as possible (<100k
> >> would be good).
> >
> > Have you thought about using a JVM as the Python runtime? AFAIK the
> > PyPy team already uses a restricted subset of Python ( called RPython )
> > to translate type annotated RPython flowgraphs to several backends
> > including Java. Therefore it seems not necessary to write a new Jython
> > compiler or CPython runtime. JVMs are all around also for ARM
> > processors.
> With footprints in the 100K range?

Yes, definitely. The smallest JVM I've seen was dedicated for an 8-Bit
AVR with 8 KByte EEPROM ( or was it Flash? ) and a 768 byte sized heap.
JVMs are also a common technology on SmartCards but those are not open


> --
> Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  I decided to be JOHN
>                                   at               TRAVOLTA instead!!


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