Bengt Richter wrote:
> On Thu, 19 Jan 2006 14:12:24 +0200, Juho Schultz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Last month I spent about an hour trying to explain why
>>a*2.5e-8 = x
>>raises a SyntaxError and why it should be written
>>x = a*2.5e-8
>>The guy who wrote the 1st line has MSc in Physics from Cambridge (UK).
>>In mathematics, there is no difference between the two lines.
> ISTM probable that his original equation was really saying
>     assert a*2.5e-8 == x
> which is not very different from
>     assert x == a*2.5e-8
> Did you mention that "=" is not "==" in python?
> I too would resist the idea that
>     assert a*2.5e-8 == x
> "should be written as"
>     x = a*2.5e-8
> Regards,
> Bengt Richter

He tried to assing 2.5e-8 times value of variable a to variable x.
It had nothing to do with testing equality or asserting.
It is just that he had absolutely no programming skills at all.
However, he is learning quite fast.

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