This section is the cause of the problem:

        for browser in ("mozilla-firefox", "mozilla-firebird",
                        "mozilla", "netscape"):
            if _iscommand(browser):
                register(browser, None, Netscape(browser))

It's trying to load "mozilla-firefox" as the exec name instead of
simply "firefox".

A potential workaround *might* be to do this:

import webbrowser
if webbrowser._iscommand("firefox"):
    webbrowser.register("firefox", None, Netscape("firefox"))"";)


Best of luck

SPE - Stani's Python Editor wrote:
> Hi,
> During optimizing SPE for Ubuntu, I found something strange. I have
> Ubuntu 5.10 "The Breezy Badger" and unfortunately this code is not
> working:
> >>> import webbrowser
> >>>"";)
> It does not throw an exception, but is not able to launch a browser.
> Ubuntu ships with Firefox as its default browser, but it looks like it
> is not recognized by the standard webbrowser module, instead it seems
> to prefer Netscape, which is not installed:
> >>> import webbrowser
> >>> webbrowser.browser
> 'netscape'
> In the _browsers attribute there seems to be an entry for
> 'mozilla-firefox', but doesn't seem to work
> >>> webbrowser._browsers
> {'galeon': [None, <webbrowser.Galeon instance at 0xb7d261cc>],
> 'mozilla': [None, <webbrowser.Netscape instance at 0xb7d2608c>],
> 'mozilla-firefox': [None, <webbrowser.Netscape instance at
> 0xb7d2612c>], 'w3m': [None, <webbrowser.GenericBrowser instance at
> 0xb7d22fec>]}
> The tryorder is...
> >>> webbrowser._tryorder
> ['galeon', 'mozilla-firefox', 'mozilla', 'w3m']
> As a workaround I check for the file '/usr/bin/firefox' and use a
> os.system call. Of course a user could maybe install Netscape, but it
> would be absurd that SPE would require Netscape.
> Is there a reason why this doesn't work? It looks like a bug.
> Stani
> --


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