Robert Kern wrote:
> Sébastien Boisgérault wrote:
> > Robert Kern wrote:
> >
> >>Sébastien Boisgérault wrote:
> >>
> >>>By the way, I tried numpy 0.9.4 10 minutes ago and guess
> >>>what ? 'eigenvalue' is broken too ... (hangs forever)
> >>
> >>On what platform?
> >
> > Linux, Mandriva 2006 (gcc 4.0.1, etc.)
> Okay, my answer then is, "Don't use gcc 4." gcc 4 broke enough other projects
> that I don't feel too bad about saying that.

You certainly should not feel bad about that. Matlab does not support
more recent than gcc 3.3 -- and specifically Simulink S-Functions do
not work
when compiled with gcc 3.4.x or 4.0.x.

> In the meantime, can you try the
> workaround that Greg Landrum suggested?

I tried it, it works :)

> Also, we are using Trac now to manage numpy, so please submit tickets here:


> Thanks!
> --
> Robert Kern
> "In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
>  Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
>   -- Richard Harter


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