Jarek Zgoda wrote:
> Tim Parkin napisa�(a):
>>I'm trying to convert fragments of wiki markup into fragments of html
>>(specifically using moinmoin markup). I've managed to do this with
>>MoinMoin but I've had to create a data directory, config file and
>>underlay. Does anybody know if there a sane way of doing this without
>>the extra baggage?
> If you consider docutils, markdown or textile (or whatever markup your
> Wiki uses) an "extra baggage", then answer is "no".

The extra baggage I was referring to was the config files, data
directory, underlay, requestCLI, etc.

I've looked in vain for a way to do this

from MoinMoin import moinToHtml

moinFormattedText ="""
== Some Moin Formatted Text ==

Para One

Para Two
html = moinToHtml(moinFormattedText)


I could even live with passing some extra parameters to moinToHtml in
order to configure it. I could even live with having to use StringIO to
convince it it's writing to files if necessary. Having to install a wiki
in order to do this seems excessive.

If anybody has done something similar I'd love to know.

Tim Parkin


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