"Peter Hansen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> Roger L. Cauvin wrote:
>> "Michael Spencer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
>>>Roger L. Cauvin wrote:
>>>>>>"xyz123aaabbab" accept
>>>>>>"xyz123aabbaaab" reject
>>>>>>"xayz123aaabab" accept
>>>>>>"xaaayz123abab" reject
>>>>>>"xaaayz123aaabab" accept
>>>This passes your tests.  I haven't closely followed the thread for other 
>>> >>> pattern = ".*?(?<![a+b])aaab" #look for aaab not preceded by any a+b
>> Very interesting.  I think you may have solved the problem.  The key 
>> seems to be the "not preceded by" part.  I'm unfamiliar with some of the 
>> notation. Can you explain what "[a+b]" and the "(?<!" do?
> I think you might need to add a test case involving a pattern of aaaab 
> prior to another aaab.  From what I gather (not reading too closely), you 
> would want this to be rejected.  Is that true?
> xyz123aaaababaaabab

Adding that test would be a good idea.  You're right; I would want that 
string to be rejected, since in that string the first sequence of 'a' 
directly preceding a 'b' is of length 4 instead of 3.

Thanks for the solution!

Roger L. Cauvin
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (omit the "nospam_" part)
Cauvin, Inc.
Product Management / Market Research


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