Peter Maas wrote:
> Tony Meyer schrieb:
>>> - The logo does indeed resemble a cross. How about rotating it at 45 deg
>>>    to make it look like an x? Or give it a circular shape? Please note
>>>    that there are no religious motives in this remark :)
>> -1.  Then what are the motives?
> I don't like the shape. Snakes and right angles - it's a contradiction.
> This is just my personal taste.
I don't like the logo as it is, too.
For my taste it is a bit too far away from what I have seen so far of 
Python related symbols and reminds too much a cross. It looks very 
commercial and has not the _fun_ and _ease_ in it I get used to face 
when dealing with Python related icons.
The whole site is just as any other more or less commercial site and 
even if it is sure much better than the old one, I will probably miss 
the old one if it will go away.

> Peter Maas, Aachen

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