swisscheese wrote:

> I must be missing something basic.
> Can anyone explain why 'A' does not show on the entry widget?
> import Tkinter
> root = Tkinter.Tk()
> class Col:
>     Rows = [0]
>     def __init__(self):
>         Frame = Tkinter.Frame(root);
>         Frame.pack (side='left')
>         self.Rows[0] = Tkinter.StringVar();
>         Tkinter.Entry(Frame,textvariable=self.Rows[0]).pack ();
> X = Col()
> # X.Rows[0].set ('A') # 'A' displays in Entry this way
> Y = Col()
> X.Rows[0].set ('A') # Why not also this way?
> Y.Rows[0].set ('B')
> root.mainloop()

Rows is a class variable, and since you're modifying it in place, Rows[0] will
always be set to the most recently created Entry widget.

what is it you're trying to do here ?



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