Runsun Pan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Can you guys figure out the details ?
> Here is the decoded version:

It looks that with all my 26 years I'm too old to understand something like
that...  All I can say is OMG... :-) 

> IMO, a language is a living organism, it has its own life and often
> evolves with unexpected turns. Maybe in the future some of those
> Martian Words will become part of formal Taiwanese, who knows ? :)

I am extremely against that for pt_BR (Brazilian Portuguese).  There's a TV
channel here that has some movies with "net terms" instead of pt_BR for the

Jorge Godoy      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur."
- Qualquer coisa dita em latim soa profundo.
- Anything said in Latin sounds smart.

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