>From above:

I hope the contents of the database are trusted, because if the code is
coming from an untrusted source, well, U R pwn3d.

Seems like you are jumping through a lot of hoops for very little
What am I missing?


Why does anyone care about "why" people do things when they ask a
specific technical question on a newsgroup?  Maybe op is risking his
server (who cares) or maybe he is just trying to explore an idea
(again, who cares).  It almost seems like bad etiquette, really.  It
also seems somehow different than asking questions that elicit
technical context.

Sorry to rant about etiquette.  I just have a problem similar to the
original poster's, and it pissed me off when I wrote to the newsgroup
asking "how do I do x,y,z?" and somebody writes back saying "you really
shouldn't want to do x,y,z..." when they really haven't a clue.  This
exchange has been a lot better than that, probably because of my poor
explanation in my question.


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