Announcing RUR-PLE lessons 0.36 RUR-PLE stands for Roberge's Used Robot: a Python Learning Environment.
This is the first official release of the lessons, separately from the application. The lessons are intended as a somewhat non-typical introduction to programming using Python, that has been used for other languages (just google "Karel Robot" for some examples). The version number (0.36) indicates that 36 complete lessons (plus a few more incomplete ones) are included. The complete introduction to Python (version 1.0) will probably include 50 lessons in total. This version contains more than 50% more material than what is included in the latest rur-ple release on sourceforge. A link to the download page can be found at ===== In 1981, Richard Pattis introduced "Karel the Robot" as a tool to teach computer programming. Reeborg is a robot built on the 1981 Pattis' model... and it is starting to show its age. It has an oil leak, which allows us to follow its trail. Its compass is broken; it only knows if it is facing north or not, unlike Karel who could determine its orientation with respect to all four cardinal points. Pattis' Karel the Robot was named after the author Karel Capek, who popularized the word robot in his play Rossum's Universal Robots (RUR). While RUR-PLE shares the basic RUR acronym, in this case it stands for Roberge's Used Robot. However, through the magic of Guido van Rossum's Python, you can learn how to fix it and design a better one, worthy of the name Rossum's Universal Robot. --