GazaM wrote:
> Ok, thanks for all the help guys. It seems that running this type of
> script from inside of the html just isn't going to work as needed.
> Seems like I'll just have to ditch the .shtml and point directly to a
> cgi. This is how the other Python frameworks and sites work, such as
> reddit and plone etc right?

That's more normal. logintools has templates in a directory and outputs
pages based on those. That's what all the 'tempalting engine'
discussion going on at the moment is about.

On the other hand, you can have static html pages with forms that call
the CGI. The CGI will still have to return HTML though.

logintools itself uses an *ultra simple* templating system - just
replacing special values in the template with the dynamically generated
values. There is no logic in the templates whatsoever.

All the best,



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