On 2 Feb 2006 12:08:43 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>I'm trying to write a method that needs to know both the class name and
>the  instance details
>class A:
>    @classmethod
>    def meth(cls, self):
>        print cls
>        print self
>a = A()
>The above code seems to work as intended.  Could the same effect be
>achieved using a second decorator in addition to the @classmethod.  I
>    def instancemethod(self):
>        return self.meth(self)
>    @instancemethod
>    @classmethod
>    def meth(cls, self):
>        #do stuff
>but it didn't work.  Any suggestions?

Hint: decorators usually return functions.  What does your decorator return?


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