
yesterday i started with web.py / flup / cheetah, and managed to get a
first webpage to diaplay on my windows box running apache.
unfortunately, the following code

import web

urls = (
  '(.*)', 'view'

class view:
    def GET( self, name ):
        web.render( 'view.html' )
        web.internalerror = web.debugerror

if __name__ == '__main__':

    web.run( urls )

using this template, view.html:

#if $name
    I just wanted to say hello to $name.
    Hello, world!
#end if

#set $ninetyNine = 99

#for $count in $range($ninetyNine, 0, -1)
#end for


will never print out the finis line -- it always stops short of that,
displaying a 7 at the bottom of the page. it is tho the last few lines
end up in a buffer and get see the light of day. any ideas?



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