Thomas Heller wrote:

> > This is all I get:
> >
> > error 250477278
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> >   File "", line 5, in ?
> >     Inst = lib.Initialize(0)
> > WindowsError: exception code 0xeedfade
> >
> > I get this when running python.exe
> >
> > ** When run from inside PythonWin it runs beautifully and returns with
> > no errors **
> >
> > Regardless of what the error actually is it *works* when run from
> > PythonWin.  It fails only when run from the command line.  I'm trying
> > to find out why there is a difference.  Clearly both either run a
> > different interpreter or with different switches.  I was hoping someone
> > knows what the difference is.
> One difference is that PythonWin runs a messageloop.  Does the
> documentation of the library you call say something about the error code
> you get?

a quick googling indicates that 0xEEDFADE is usually caused by an
internal unhandled exception in Delphi.  maybe there's some Borland-
specific DLL that's not found when the code is running from the con-
sole ?

I suppose you could use process explorer to see if you can figure out
what Borland DLL:s the program is using:



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