Daniel Nogradi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So after all, what is a 'factory' or 'factory function'?

A brief explanation in Python terms is at
http://www.aleax.it/ep03_pydp.pdf -- "pages" (slides) 37-44 (the rest of
the presentation is about an even more fundamental design pattern,
"template method").  A far more extensive essay can be found, for
example, at
http://gsraj.tripod.com/design/creational/factory/factory.html -- it
names the pattern "factory method", not "factory function" ("method" is
probably a more widespread name for it) and presents examples in Java
and Corba IDL.

Anyway, trying to summarize:

- "what": any function or method or other callable whose task it
  is to build and return new objects can be called "a factory";

- sometimes a factory may get away with returning an existing
  object for recycling "as if" it was a new one, saving some
  resources, and this is one advantage;

- a factory may choose what exact type of object to build and return
  based on arguments or other circumstances, and this is a second

"Program to an interface, not to an implementation" -- the key
underlying principle ot the gang of 4's "Design Patterns" book.

If you build an object of a specific given type ("new Foo" in Java
or C++), you're hardwiring the choice of implementation (the
exact concrete type); delegating the building to a method or
function frees your application from such hardwiring and lets
it be concentrated (if needed at all) in one spot (the factory).
[[With the "registry" pattern you may even be able to remove
any hardwiring, but that's a pretty advanced and subtle idea]].


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