
After executing the first line, I now get:

>>> from scipy.optimize import fmin
Overwriting fft=<function fft at 0x012116F0> from scipy.fftpack.basic (was 
<function fft at 0x011C8A70> from numpy.dft.fftpack)
Overwriting ifft=<function ifft at 0x01211730> from scipy.fftpack.basic (was 
<function inverse_fft at 0x011C8AB0> from numpy.dft.fftpack)

And then I get the following result:

>>> xopt = fmin(rosen, x0)
Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: 0.000066
         Iterations: 141
         Function evaluations: 243

>>> print xopt
[ 0.99910115  0.99820923  0.99646346  0.99297555  0.98600385]

Two questions:
1. does the "overwriting..." message make sense?
I uninstalled scipy and numpy and re-installed them.

2. has the algorithm (accuracy level) changed? the result seems different 
from that reported in
on page 12.

Thanks again.

"Diez B. Roggisch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> jason wrote:
>> Hello:
>> I am using the following versions of Python and packages on Windows XP
>> (SP2):
>> Python 2.4.2
>> NumPy  0.9.4.win32-py2.4
>> SciPy 0.4.4 for Python 2.4 and Pentium 4/SSE2
> I fell for that yesterday. Cost me two hours. You have to install NumPy
> 0.9.2. Make sure you cleaned up the site-packages, and if you build stuff
> yourself, a clean rebuild is necessary.
> Regards,
> Diez 


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